Top 5 Worst Wheel of Fortune Answers (including Right in the…..what?)
"Wheel of Fortune" hostess Vanna White and host Pat Sajak inducted into the National Association of Broadcasters Broadcasting Hall of Fame during the NAB Achievement in Broadcasting Dinner at Encore Las Vegas on April 9, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Right in the Butt? Wrong! This is the Best (Actual Wrong Answer: Right in the Butt, Correct Answer: This is the Best) – I’m going to put this on the top of the list…not just for the recent nature of the answer – but the look on his face is priceless. Just priceless.
- Superman and Spider Woman? Wrong! Wonder Woman Steps In (Actual Wrong Answer: Superman and Spider Woman, Correct Answer: Superman and Wonder Woman) – This contestant got their superhero team-up a little mixed up. Although as a comic book nerd I always thought Spider woman was really cool.
- Fresh Tropical Trout? Wrong! Fresh Tropical Fruit (Actual Wrong Answer: Fresh Tropical Trout, Correct Answer: Fresh Tropical Fruit) – This contestant went from the ocean to the orchard in a surprising answer. Sounds like a weird Jimmy Buffett song title, doesn’t it?
- A Streetcar Named Desperate? Wrong! A Streetcar Named Desire (Actual Wrong Answer: A Streetcar Named Desperate, Correct Answer: A Streetcar Named Desire) – This contestant added a touch of drama (and got the title wrong) with their answer. Again, sounds like another song title (or album from an emo band)
- Stars and Stripes… and Butterballs? Wrong! Just the Stars and Stripes (Actual Wrong Answer: Stars and Stripes… and Butterballs, Correct Answer: Stars and Stripes) – This contestant’s addition of Butterball turkeys to the American flag left everyone scratching their heads. I can’t figure this one out. Unless they were really hungry.
Top 5 Worst Wheel of Fortune Answers – We’ve got more
Admittedly it’s hard to top what just happened with the “Right In The Butt” answer on Wheel (and to be honest – there are so many moments to pick from) but we did find 10 more to consider:
What would YOU do if you made the list of Top 5 Worst Wheel of Fortune Answers?
If I’m this guy – just own it…have some fun and laugh at it. But (or should we say “butt”) here’s something else to think about…he KNEW what he said when they taped it and was just waiting for this train to come. I hope they smoked a pork butt at his watch party.
Jim O'Brien is the Host of "Big Jim's House" Morning Show at 94.7 WCSX in Detroit. Jim spent eight years in the U.S. Naval Submarine Service, has appeared on Shark Tank (Man Medals Season 5 Ep. 2), raised over two million dollars for local charities and is responsible for Glenn Frey Drive and Bob Seger Blvd in the Motor City. Jim's relationship with Classic Rock includes considering Bob Seger, Phil Collen from Def Leppard, Wally Palmer of the Romantics and many others good friends. Jim writes about ‘80s movies, cars, weird food trends and “as seen on TikTok” content.