Eating Strange Things As A Kid
What weird thing did you eat as a kid? I (Ryan) admitted to eating some strange stuff on the show this morning and so did a few of the listeners. Big Jim and I got into the conversation. Check out the in studio view of it!
It all started this morning right around 7am, Big Jim asked me about strange things I ate as a kid.
I then proceeded to tell him a story about me eating a box of Tums. In the video below, you will hear that story! It started out with me walking down the street of our subdivision with nothin but boxers on, my neighbor saw me going to town on a box of Tums.
Here is the full video:
This conversation led to a larger conversation with the listeners. Here were some of their comments
“I thought onions were apples. I was told I ate them all the time”
“Hi jim/ryan-i 3id the exact same thing @ ten by eating ex-lax too cuz i thought it was a hershey bar! Lol thx kim”
“Sat around hammered and ate milk bones. One nite”
“When I was eight or nine we would sit in the garage when my dad was mashing cabbage for sauerkraut,my brother and I had a box of milk bonz dog biscuits”
“When I was little in the 80’s and would get the pink bubble gum liquid amoxicillin, I would just go in the fridge and drink it when I didn’t even need it because it was so good tasting to me. Lol — Kristina”
I think after having the conversation with everyone, I feel better about myself. Yes, I did admit to eating tree bark as a kid. I did that because I thought the trees would taste different. I was wrong!
What to see more of us eating? Check out our restaurant road trips from last year!
Hey It’s Ryan, let me start off by saying…YES, I was born and raised in Wixom, Michigan although a lot of listeners like to joke that I am from Arizona. WCSX has always been my radio home, I have been at the station since I was a 23-year-old intern, co-host of Big Jim’s House, married with kids. Family and radio are what I love, but don’t get me started on golf!
Like some, I have become obsessed with golf and you can hear all about that on “The Ball Washer Pod” right here on WCSX. One of my other passions is helping out the Vets. Since coming to WCSX I have been apart of raising hundreds of thousands for local vet groups. Other than that, I am a goofy guy, loving life, my family and talking to you on the radio. Ryan writes about golf, family and what happens on “Big Jim’s House.”