UFO Filmed in Warren
A Michigan resident spotted an unidentified flying object over Warren last month. On Thursday, December 20 an eyewitness captured video footage of the unidentified flying object hovering above while driving south on Hoover Road, just past 11 Mile.
A witness report revealed that the unidentified flying object was triangular in shape, containing a distinct light at each of the corners and a blinking red light in the center of the craft. The eyewitness shared his experience:
“I witnessed a craft moving slowly in the sky; at first I thought this was a helicopter because of how slow it was moving through the sky. As it hovered slowly I stopped my car and took out my phone to video record what I was actually seeing. It was NOT a helicopter, did not hear any noise. It wasn’t fast like a passenger aircraft. At Hoover Road it appeared to have changed direction and the craft flew towards the western sky. The direction change wasn’t sudden or onset. The flight path of the object seemed to match the paths of other jets landing at Detroit Metro Airport but I can say for certain this was not a plane.”
This is not the first instance this individual has observed a triangular flying object. The first one was spotted in Birmingham.
It may sound unbelievable; check out the video below and make the call for yourself.