Which Garden City Restaurant Did Leno Visit?
It’s not everyday in Michigan where you can sit down for some Chinese food and see Jay Leno walk in.
While the New Peking Restaurant in Garden City was in the middle of a dinner rush, Jay Leno walked in and needed a table for 4.
The owner Shen Yu said, the longtime “Tonight Show” host arrived at the crowded restaurant with four other people around 7:30 p.m.
Shen Yu also said, “I was so surprised,” he said. “He’s a really nice guy. I thought he would be a big shot and it would be hard to ask him for anything, but no, he was so friendly.”
Some of the food Leno ordered included the house-specialty Dry Garlic Sauce-Shrimp and Bong Bong Chicken. Leno told Yu that it was some of the best shrimp he has ever had!
After his meal Leno stuck around to take some pictures with Yu and his wife, when Shen asked Leno why he was in town, he simply replied he was running an errand.