National Coffee Day Sunday – How Much Caffeine In Lions Head Coach Dan Campbell’s Daily Drink?
Sunday (9/29) is National Coffee Day (let’s be honest…it should be on a Monday, but we’ll let it slide). So how much caffeine is TOO MUCH caffeine? According to one cardiologist, caffeine consumption is safe up to a point for most people who don’t have a heart condition. But what point is TOO MUCH?
In Honor Of National Coffee Day, How Much Coffee Is Good For You?
The American Heart Association and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration say that point is around three to four cups of coffee per day for most people. (pretty sure my grandma drank that before 8am)
Depending on the strength of your coffee, three to four cups is somewhere between 300 to 400 milligrams of caffeine.

To hit that level with other drinks, you’d need to drink one to three energy drinks . . . four to five cans of Coke . . . or 10 to 15 cups of green tea.
Dan Campbell Blows Past That
So if you haven’t heard, Dan Campbell has an interesting way to start the day. Our beloved Detroit Lions head coach famously shared how he starts his day with Starbucks and said, “Normally what I do is I get two venti. At Starbucks, I get two venti of the Pike with two shots in them. So, black in both. That’s what I come in with. That’s how I start the day.”
So how much caffeine is Dan taking in daily? Let’s figure it out:
- two venti cups of Pike Place brew (which contain about 410 milligrams of caffeine apiece) that each have two shots of espresso (another 75 milligrams apiece) add up to a little over 1,100 milligrams of caffeine. LET’S GO!
On average I drink 2-3 cups of regular coffee here at the office (but I’ll stop and get a Tim Hortons dark roast with 1 and 1 at least once a week).
Now if you’re looking for coffee here in Michigan – check this list out.