Are You A Toothpaste Top Squeezer?
You squeeze a tube of toothpaste from the bottom, right? RIGHT? Believe it or not, we live in a country where “top squeezers” of toothpaste are out there…among us. Squeezing. Tubing. (BTW – totally kidding about this – but damn, it seems weird)
Toothpaste Squeezing – The Stats
A new poll asked over 30,000 people how they squeeze a tube of toothpaste . . . and 72% say from the bottom of the tube to the top, which makes sense (because they’re normal human beings).
20% of people say they squeeze the toothpaste out from the TOP of the tube, which doesn’t make as much sense. “Top Squeezers” are the type of people who don’t put their grocery carts back and get a small popcorn at the movie with no butter. It’s just weird.
Since we’re talking about “top squeezers” – This is a great time to ask: “Have you ever disagreed with someone you share toothpaste with about how it should be used?” 21% of people say YES. (Which is very similar to the percentage of TOP SQUEEZERS.)

Finally, people were asked: “How much toothpaste do you typically use?
28% of people say they squeeze out about a full brush-length of toothpaste. That’s the BRISTLES part, of course. 31% say a little less . . . about half the brush length. And 32% say less than that, about “the size of a pea.”
And 4% of people are REALLY skimpy, using “an amount the size of a single grain of rice.” (???) (The other 5% of people are “not sure.”- which tells me they have breath like a dragon)
The demographic that was most likely to use less . . . the pea or rice amounts . . . are younger females, living in the western U.S.
Does this say anything about you if you’re a top squeezer? Is there some technique that we’re not aware of? Is it a sign of a really clean, organized home? Or are you just an animal…lol.