The Time Dolly Parton Went Streaking
Remember the time Dolly Parton went streaking? Neither did we…but now we know the whole story:
First off, nobody . . . and I mean NOBODY knows how to self-promote better than Dolly Parton. Anyone who’s been paying the LEAST bit of attention knows that she’s releasing her “Rockstar” album today.
She could easily let that ride knowing full-well that she got the word out. Not Dolly. She knows that somebody, somewhere has been looking the other way, and it’s up to her to reel them in with a fun story.
In an interview with “Metro“ she talked about the time she got drunk and completely naked . . . in public.
They asked her if “Rockstar” is the most rock and roll thing she’s ever done. She said . . . quote, “Well, I’ve done a few fun things. I’ve never really trashed my hotel room or thrown TVs out of the window or anything.
“Probably the most radical thing I ever did was when Tom Jones was really hot. Me and a bunch of girls had gone out to have a few margaritas. We got rained out of a shoot we were doing for a movie, so we spent the afternoon having fun.
“Tom Jones and his house in Los Angeles was on the pathway to the hotel where we were staying, so they dared me to streak through his yard. So I streaked through Tom’s yard. He didn’t see me, but I did it. That was kind of rock and roll.”
It’s not a new story, but it’s one that’ll never get old. In fact, Tom was once asked about it on a talk show. He said he didn’t know it happened until Dolly told him later. The tragic part is that he WAS home but, obviously, didn’t see it.
Also in the interview, they asked Dolly if she’s ever considered running for president. She said, quote, “No. I don’t think anybody could actually do a great job at that. I think we’ve had enough boobs in the White House.
“I’m not smart enough to be in politics, or maybe I’m too smart. Either way, I’m not qualified for that type of a job. I am qualified to do what I do, which is to point people in the right direction, to write about it in songs or speak about things.”
If you’d like to check out some of Dolly’s new album “Rockstar” – check out her singing Queen’s “We Are The Champions”