Does Passing Gas Burn Calories
Does passing gas burn calories? Oh come on, you haven’t thought about it? Just follow me on this:
They say “there are no stupid questions,” but this one’s pretty dumb: Does farting burn calories?
The site Health Digest just did an article on it, and they’re not the first. “Women’s Health” also did a write-up a while back after someone posted a random “fact” on Facebook. It claimed that every fart burns an average of 67 calories.
Sadly, it’s not really true. If it was, we all would have LOST weight after that big meal at Thanksgiving. But is there any truth to it at all? Does passing gas burn ANY calories? The answer is yes and no.
When you let one rip, the muscles that make it happen are relaxing, not contracting. And activating your muscles is what burns calories. That said, if you have to STRAIN to release that blast of gas, it might burn one calorie. Maybe two.
Whatever the amount is, it’s not much. According to a weight-loss specialist, it doesn’t matter how much gas you pass, or how loud and explosive those biscuits are. Quote, “You cannot fart yourself thin. [It] is not a practical weight-loss tool.”