The Great Debate: How Do You Eat a Candy Cane?
I will always say, you eat the candy from the bottom, up to the curve. The curve is there for you to hold onto the candy cane and not get your hands sticky. How do others think about it. Let’s dive into it!
How do you eat a candy cane? Curved or straight end first? A poll found 55% of us start with the straight end. 28% go curved end first and 17% break it up into pieces. People who break into pieces are nuts to me. They were probably the kids who ripped the heads off dolls as a kid.
The National Confectioners Association asked 1,500 Americans about their candy-cane-eating technique. And the most popular way to eat them is straight end first. 55% of us start by suckin’ on the straight end of a candy cane . . . 28% go for the curved end first . . . and 17% said neither, they break it into pieces first. 73% of us prefer classic peppermint candy canes. 27% like other “fun” flavors.
Now I love myself a Jolly Rancer candy cane. But have you ever seen some of the weird flavors you can get?
Here is one for you, why does everyone love Mac n cheese flavor?
There are more strange flavors like:
hot dogs
sardine-flavored candy canes and even ones that are supposed to taste like possum
I am good one those strange flavors..I will stick to the classics or the sour ones! I love me something sour.
The poll also asked about other types of holiday candy: Our favorite foil-wrapped candies are chocolate Santas, chocolate coins, and chocolate snowmen.

If you already have candy canes lying around for decorating or eating, then you’re already equipped to play this game.