Gross Habits – But You’ve Accepted Them
Gross habits – but you’ve accepted them. We found this list from our friends at Reddit and it led to a spirited discussion on the air…our resident young/old guy Ryan was all over this one. AND Screamin’ Scotts wife called in to share one of his habits (that was hilarious btw – it’s his “hockey blowing the nose” move)
So let’s look at these ten habits (there’s more on the Reddit link) and see how many you do…and BE HONEST – I am (for the most part).
Gross Habits – but you’ve accepted them. The Dog One May Bother You
1. “He picks his teeth with the point of a knife. It’s not really gross . . . but the sound of metal against teeth makes me cringe.” (GUILTY – and I’ve used the tip of a steak knife and put it back…don’t judge me)
2. “He leaves used Q-tips everywhere.” (GUILTY – oh like you don’t…that’s a just a weird habit. like people with spotless homes…lol)
3. “She bites huge, cartoonish chunks out of cheese we have in the fridge’ (GUILTY – but the key is to bite it so it looks like you just broke off a piece)
4. “He forcefully gags himself when brushing his teeth to remove phlegm. It’s shockingly loud . . . every single tooth brushing.” (nope. That seems like something from 50 shades of gray the dental edition, not gross habits – but you’ve accepted them).
5. “She nearly dies from choking on stringy cheese every time she eats a mozzarella stick. She never learns.”
6. “She mixes M&Ms and Skittles in a bowl and eats them together.” (absolute animal move…who does that – file for divorce right now)
7. “She sucks her tea bags dry.” (just…no)
8. “His dog sleeps in bed with him, and the dog regularly pees in the bed.” (wait. WHAT?)
9. “He sometimes eats while using the bathroom.” (oh like you’ve never had a bathroom burrito while surfing whatever)
10. “She poops without closing the toilet door.” (Ryan said he does that…30 years of marriage, we’ve never gone down that road…thank god)