Doni’s Dad Jokes Get REALLY Weird
We all love Donielle Flynn – host of the Power Lunch, City of the Week Chief, Lover of all things Vernors. So when I got this email…ummmm – let me warn you that Doni’s dad jokes get really weird.
Doni’s Dad Jokes Get REALLY Weird
So it’s late Monday and I get this email from Doni with no title in the subject. Now being a good employee at first I thought it was a virus, so I opened it on someone’s else PC (smart, right?). This is what we got:
Maybe I Brought This On Us
The headline could be a little misleading – if you listen our show at all you know how much I love doing dad jokes (hell, CSX files is just an excuse to work them in). It’s not my fault though – I’m a product of MY father, who LOVED telling Dad jokes. So when I said Doni’s dad jokes get really weird…I still laughed my butt off.

Screamin’ Scott, Bones, and Doni after a dad joke
Top Ten Dad Jokes – since Doni’s Dad jokes get REALLY weird
These jokes were voted on a couple of years ago…see if you agree with the top ten:
1. “This graveyard looks crowded. People must be dying to get in.”
2. When you asked him, “Can you put my shoes on?” And he said, “No . . . I don’t think they’ll fit me.”
3. “I used to hate facial hair . . . but then it grew on me.”
4. When he’s reversing in the car and says, “Ah . . . this takes me back.”
5. “I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don’t know ‘y’.”
6. When your mom says, “How do I look,” and he says, “With your eyes.”
7. When you ask if he got a haircut, and he says, “No, I got them ALL cut.”
8. “Wanna hear a joke about pizza? Never mind, it’s too cheesy.”
9. “I’m scared of elevators . . . so I’m taking steps to avoid them.”
10. “What did one wall say to the other wall? ‘Meet ya at the corner.'”