Top “Is It Weird” Google Trends For 2024 – Let’s See If You Agree
Google trends is always an interesting dive – from most searched candy in every state to what weird wedding questions we ask (that’s a fun one). But these are really interesting…the “Is It Weird” question. We’ve all asked it, but now Google is sharing the top trends for this year. Let’s discuss.
Top “Is It Weird” Trends for 2024
Here’s their top five…see what you think:
1. Is it weird to go to a bar alone? Plenty of people do this, right? I was thinking about this though – I wind up at Nemo’s or Millers to grab a burger and beer. Lunch visits are common at some of my favorite bars – but I don’t remember the last time I just went there for a beer. Is that weird? (I know, piling on the “is it weird” questions is weird)

2. Is it weird to talk to yourself? It depends. In public at full volume? Yes. In the car on the way to work when you’re trying to figure something out…absolutely not. During a Lions game talking to the TV in the basement, making promises to God if Goff just completes this third down pass? Been there, done that.
3. Is it weird to go to a concert alone? Our very own Jenny Jenny does it all the time. I’ve never had the nerve to do it…but I think it’s awesome! BTW – she’s much cooler than any of us, so that’s part of it.
4. Is it weird to go to the movies alone? Okay, this is 100% in my wheelhouse. As a kid I loved going to movies with my friends, but we moved a lot growing up (13 schools in 12 years) – so I learned that if I wanted to go do something…I had to do it on my own. Movies were (and are) a great escape for me…that’s why the phone goes off, I clap both times at MJR and simply enjoy the moment.
5. Is it weird to eat alone at a restaurant? No, but there’s a stigma because restaurants are kind of set up for people to eat together. It’s also weird because (let’s be honest) you feel like people are staring. The “laptop lunch” is a good move if you want to get something to eat but feel awkward about it – take your laptop with you, do a little bit of work while eating (I know…it’s weird)
Is It Weird to post a list about being this stuff? Probably. But weird is fun, right?