Psychological Effects Of Putting Christmas Decorations Up Before Thanksgiving
Did you know this was even a thing? I was tooling around to see surveys on people who put their Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving. I came across intel that said people who decorate before Thanksgiving tend to be happier people. Before we get into the hows and whys on that, I have to ask:
When Do You Decorate for Christmas?
It’s a debate every year. What is “too early?”
My dad was like a well-oiled clock. Every year the day after Thanksgiving, the Christmas decorations went up inside and out. On New Year’s Eve, it all came down. The weather had to be ridiculously extreme for these dates not to be hit. As a kid, I wanted the decorations up longer. As an adult, I respect my dad’s precision. Having said that…
I 100% Put Christmas Decorations Up Before Thanksgiving
Hear me out. It makes sense to me because December is busy. I want time for the fun stuff that is time sensitive. Front loading my holiday home preparations leaves me freed up for other activities like making cookies, checking out holiday experiences and lights, family time, and more. Have a won you over yet? According to surveys, probably not. Survey says…

34% of Americans Decorate Before Thanksgiving
According to, 70% of Americans intend to put out some sort of holiday decorations. Of that percentage, 34% surveyed decorate before Thanksgiving. 18% decorate the first week of December. That leave 48% decorating within a few days after Thanksgiving. But here’s why I think that should change:
It Could Give You More Joy
An article on talks about the psychological effects of decorating for the holidays early: “Putting your decorations up earlier can make you feel happier by reminding you of your childhood, before you had to deal with the responsibilities and stresses of adulting.”
It makes sense. Spread festivities out… it’s the season, not the month or five weeks. Add it in with layers and actually enjoy Christmas and the holidays. Food for thought. Maybe putting your Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving isn’t such a bad idea.
Halloween and Christmas are my two big decorating jams. I do not have time, nor the storage space to think about getting decorated for Thanksgiving.
OK, But What is the “Right” Answer?
There is no “right” answer for holiday decorating. Whether you put up your Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving or after… whether it’s any holiday you choose to celebrate, the only “right” answer is yours.
THIS! There’s also a new trend popping up in my neighborhood that makes a lot of sense to me. They put up lights before Halloween and leave the lights up through the holidays. GENIUS. Some used white lights only, but one neighbor straight up had white and colored Christmas lights up for Halloween through to the New Year. I see only upside. You can hang the lights (most likely) in better, warmer weather and you get a two for one deal. I love it!
Decorating side note: I have been obsessed with Nick Lewis’ decorating channel on YouTube.