Michigan Drivers: Update on When Those $400 Checks Are Coming
As you’re likely aware, Michigan residents will receive refund checks worth hundreds of dollars this year. If you’re wondering where the money is coming from, the $400 refund checks are part of the bipartisan-passed legislation passed in 2019, which demands that companies in charge of state’s trust fund give the money to drivers who insured a vehicle in Michigan by October 31, 2021.
The $400 checks will come from the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA), which had a billion-dollar surplus last year. So, when is the money coming? We finally have a specific timeline on when the checks will be on their way.
According to Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the refund checks should arrive by May 9, at the latest. As for who qualifies, any drivers that insured their vehicle by 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2021 will get a refund. The same for those who own motorcycles and RVs, if they met minimum insurance requirements.
The money will transferred by the MCCA to insurers by March 9. Then, the checks will be delivered via mail or ACH deposit. Those who qualify and don’t get a refund are encouraged to contact their insurance company with questions. “The Governor directed DIFS to take an active role in ensuring that refunds would be issued expeditiously to Michiganders who have paid into the fund for decades,” director Anita Fox said in a statement. “The DIFS bulletin ensures that consumers are protected and imposes a May 9, 2022 deadline for issuing refunds to all eligible drivers.”