Backstage With Bob Seger
Backstage with Bob Seger. What’s it like to see Bob Seger outside of Detroit – especially on what would be his final full tour? Five years ago (March 9th, 2019) I flew to Dallas and went backstage to see Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.
Dallas Loves Seger
First off, it’s weird to be in another city and see a bunch of Bob Seger fans wearing Against The Wind shirts and talking about their favorite songs (and how desperately I wanted to correct people when they didn’t know every single bit of Seger trivia like I pretend to).
We were invited to rehearsals that afternoon, and when we got the arena they met us (Dave Clark from Live Nation – one of the coolest guys you’ll ever meet) and gave me the single most important piece of rock and roll memorabilia I’ve got. A family badge for the tour. Even my friends John & Robert looked at me like “well that’s just cool”.
Sitting in the venue and just listening to Seger go through the tunes – working out certain parts, practicing songs they might do (Famous Final Scene in rehearsals gave me goosebumps). But the one thing that surprised/motivated me the most was Bob and how hard he was working to get things perfect. Sweat covered t-shirt, deep focus as they went through the songs. He wasn’t going to mail it in – even if this was Dallas and not his beloved Detroit.
Backstage with Bob Seger
We were invited to grab something to eat and hang out backstage, talking with Jim “Moose” Brown and Alto (who was so excited about his family), sitting with Barbara Payton and Shawn Murphy talking about which songs get you emotional (I believe they were giving Barbara grief for needing a box of tissues).
Bob came in to hang out for a bit, grabbing a bite to eat and talking with everyone – taking time to say hi to my friends. There’s one thing about Bob Seger, he genuinely wants to know about YOUR life. One time when he was in studio the conversation turned to Ryan Logan getting his first house, and Bob was so interested this…asking about the location, how big was it. That’s who he is…and it was the same vibe backstage.
Bob Seger Concert In Dallas
To see Bob Seger in concert is pure joy. The songs trigger memories that wash over you: smiles, tears, chills. I always equate Bob to the midwest – that hard working sensibility that we all appreciate. But there we were in Dallas of all places, and everyone was singing along with Bob. At first I wanted to yell “hey, this is our guy…get your own guy”. But then the reality sinks in: Bob Seger speaks to all of us, stories of longing for love (Night Moves bring back memories to anyone), tales of needing to get away (Roll Me Away is universal in it’s theme that sometimes you gotta get the hell outta town and catch your breath), working too hard for too little respect (Feel Like A Number anyone?).

It was so cool to look around and see people of all ages soaking in our Bob Seger. The quiet moments during Turn The Page, that moment in Night Moves when he sings “with autumn closing in”, the pumping drums in “Hollywood Nights”, Bob laughing and smiling at not only the band but the crowd…taking it all in. Even in Dallas.
After The Show
We were asked to wait around after the show to say hi to Bob (see picture below). He was as gracious as you’d expect and was so happy that my friends enjoyed the show. There were smiles all around as we said thanks and wished him a great night (midwest thing – don’t stay too long). Walking outside that night I felt a great sense of pride. To see the Mayor of Michigan in Dallas, realizing that they loved our Bob like we do. Not a bad evening at all.

Backstage with Bob Seger – Notes from Big Jim
There are so many people that came before me on the radio in Detroit that had/have deeper relationships with Bob. Ken Calvert and Bob was like watching two college buddies hanging out, Seger loved talking with JJ, the times with Arthur P (although I realize in 24 years of Detroit radio I’ve never met Arthur…he’s my Howard Hughes of Detroit). My relationship with Bob Seger comes from his music and four words:
Bob Seger is real.
Jim “Moose” Brown told me to watch Bob during that tour and the moment when he sings “with autumn closing in” during Night Moves. The song stops for a moment and I swear I could see Bob soak it in – looking at the crowd.
The way Bob locked in Alto for “Turn The Page” – reveling in the way the sax just washed over the crowd.
The “Famous Final Scene” in rehearsal (the one at Pine Knob had me in tears).
Bob Seger writes about love and life and loss and joy and pain and hope and stress and work and…you get the point. Bob Seger is real.
We live in a time where Bob Seger is part of our lives. That’s a blessing that I’ll carry with me all of my days.