Ryan’s Remedies: Sensory Deprivation Therapy (Float Tank)
Ryan’s Remedies is all about breaking the negative and out of dates thoughts about alternative healing methods. Put down the prescription pills and over the counter medicine, for something that is truly changing lives for the better. I began to do this and it may be something that works for you as well. This week I headed to Ann Arbor to try Sensory Deprivation for the first time.
Now, this may not be for everyone, but I can truthfully say one float has changed my life for the better and will be something I make part of my normal routine.
This week I headed to NueroFitness Wellness Center off of Jackson road in Ann Arbor. First off, I would like to say thank you to the General Manager Jack who welcomed me as a first timer with open arms and an open mind.
I didn’t know what to expect as I got ready to do my first float, but believe me this is something I will continue to do regularly.
I went into the wellness center hoping that the float would help me with my anxiety, stress levels and honestly my overall mood. I came out of the float feeling relived from all of that! At first, it took my a few minutes to settle down inside of the float tank, but after about 10 minutes I let myself go and “float” into the darkness.
Shortly into my float I began to fall asleep and drift further and further into a state of mind that I do not think I have reached before. After about 30 minutes I woke up and began to think clearly about my family, my career and my future goals. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, that is when I began to get emotional. The end of session light came on, I got out and began to shower and reflect on the experience, getting emotional again I made my way out to the recovery room to collect myself and slowly come back to the world.
Another thing I noticed, my back pain that I have been dealing with for years was less noticeable and my acing shoulders were loose and relaxed like never before. That was when I broke down and began to tear up a little bit. This was when I realized that floating was for me. I made my way out to the lobby and sat with Jack for a few minutes just talking about my experience. jack couldn’t have been more accepting to my thoughts, emotions and could totally see how this changed me for the better. I came out of there a more accepting and calm person. That was after one float, I cannot wait to see what a consistent treatment plan will do for me.
If you have any question about float therapy, please reach out to myself or just make a trip to the NueroFitness Center in Ann Arbor. Jack will take care of you and make sure you are as comfortable as possible. I just ask you one thing, go in with an open mind, open spirit and really let the experience take you over.
If you are interested in any of their services, just head to their website and to find out more and or, book an appointment.
It’s time to stop with the prescription pills and find real, life changing ways to heal yourself.
Another thing Jack shared with me was that Veterans can float for free on Mondays. If you are a Vet who struggles with PTSD, or anything physical, I highly recommend giving this a serious try. It could change your life like it has mine.

This was the float tank room that I used. I liked this one because you have a little more room than the others

this is one of the options for floating, with this pod you havve the option for music or no music.
As I said before, this therapy has changed my life and it is something I am going to make a regular part of my life. Jack from NeuroFitness was an absolute dream to work with and happy to know I have a place I can go when needed.
If you are thinking about trying float therapy or what more information, please reach out to myself or Jack over at NeuroFitness. We will walk you through the process and I promise you it will be life changing!
Check out past Ryan’s Remedies below: