The #1 Alarm Sound to Wake Up To
I was laying in bed the other night, setting one of my 37 alarms (long story) when I started thinking about what is the number one sound to wake up to. I all of a sudden found myself deep in a google search to find the best sound. Here is what my research showed me.
Setting The Perfect Sound
When it comes to setting the perfect alarm sound for waking up there are a few things to think about. Most recently a study was done in Australia that showed waking up to music rather than a traditional sound may be better for you.
One of the early thoughts was that a loud sounding beep or alert would give people that jolt they needed to get out of bed right away. After studies, they realized that songs with an up tempo beat could be the best sound for waking up. One example showed that people woke best to “Good Vibrations” from the Beach Boys.
Below is a video showing the best iPhone alarms to wake to.
Another study showed that songs at C5 with beats at 100 to 150 a minute may be most effective. I still use a sound from the iPhone, but it is music so I feel like I am on the right track.
Story Behind My Alarms
There is a reason I set so many, at least I have convinced myself of that. So here is the story, every night I manually set 37 different alarms 5 minutes apart from each other. I use to think it was becasue I needed all those to wake me up. But, in recent years I have noticed I always wake up on the first, so that theory has went out the window.
I guess when it comes down to it, I set all of those as a routine type thing. I know that may not make sense, but I have a very strict routine when it comes to bed time. I do everything the exact same way, every single night.
So there you have it, I am weird and music is the best sound to wake up to. If you cannot find a song you like enough to hear first thing in the morning, try this one!
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