Real Christmas Tree or Artificial Tree is another debate for the upcoming holidays. Next to other timeless debates like, is it pronounced Sanders or Saunders? Or is it Pop or Soda? And Detroit’s oldest favorite American or Lafayette Coney Island.
It comes all down to personal preference and convenience. Plus, take into consideration the price of a Real Christmas Tree.
The average price of a real Christmas tree in 2023 is between $80 and $100, a 10% increase from the previous year. This increase is due to several factors, including Inflation, Drought, Supply and demand, Shipping costs, economic challenges, and greed.
Artificial Christmas trees can cost from about $85 to $1,000 or more. However, they tend to last about six years.
What Does The WCSX Staff Say About Their Preferences On A Tree?
Big Jim’s House’s Jim Obrien
Jim O'Brien
Big Jim Obrien from Big Jim’s House
Jim Obrien stated he loves a Real Artificial Tree for Christmas after a real tree almost took out a window. The whole story is much too painful to tell in detail.
Donielle Flynn converted to a Fake tree after many years of real trees for the holidays. Douglas Furs for years but after years of hassles with needles, dealing with poking herself, just putting ornaments on the tree.
Donielle Flynn
Donielle, Santa and Woody the Vernors Gnome, and Screamin Scott Rockin Rock 4 Tots
Donielle’s pet cats were well-behaved, not jumping, batting ornaments, or climbing inside the tree. Her cats would always take naps under the tree. The only problem she had was that they would leave her presents under the tree, which were not Christmas gifts, if you know what I mean.
Megan Murphy
Kris King
WCSX DJ Megan Murphy has got some “Cat Scratch Fever.”
Megan Murphy is torn on the subject of Real or Fake trees, all due to the nostalgia of growing up with Real Christmas Trees.
Becoming an adult comes into factor; as quoted by Megan, “Trees become a pain in the ass to keep up.” To counter, Megan loves to buy Glade-type air sents for that real tree smell on a fake tree.
What Is At The Screamin’ Scott Ranch?
Screamin' Scott
Real Screamin Christmas Tree
Screamin Scott says, “Call me a purist, but I love a real tree. As a child, we always had a fake tree. I even remember we had the fake metal silver tree with the color wheel. My sister still has it at her house.
I love a Real Tree and all the pain that goes with one. My next-door neighbors, the Bartolds, always had a beautiful Real Christmas Tree decorated so beautifully every year. I told myself when I grew up and moved out on my own that, I would have a Real Tree for Christmas.
Donielle Flynn
Screamin with Boyd from the band Crazy Babies
In my early radio career in Indiana in the 1980s, I remember my roommate and I always got a real tree. We didn’t have many decorations, so we hung empty beer cans on the tree with lights.
So enjoy a Real or Artificial Tree this year and focus on more important things this holiday. How to keep politics out of Christmas—that’s another whole story.
List Of Must Watch Holiday Christmas Classics Movies
When it comes to Holiday Christmas Classics on TV and Movies there is no shortage of great entertainment. The holidays are going to whip by us so fast it will make your head spin. Take some time around the family tube and don’t forget some of these Christmas classics from the past.
Here are some are my personal favorites. I won’t be surprised if in some parts of the movie make your eyes water a bit. It must be the onion dip with the potato chips. I hope you get a chance to see some of my all-time favorite Christmas movies.
WCSX Staff Picks For Favorite Holiday Christmas Classics
Megan Murphy – goes right off the charts to start a controversy with the pick of the movie, “Die Hard.” Megan, a huge Bruce Willis fan says, “I’m totally 100% on the bandwagon that,Die Hard is no doubt a Christmas movie.”
Big Jim’s House Jim O’Brian – “Yippee ki yay,” a second vote for, Die Hard. As for TV classics, the episode of M*A*S* H* where Hawkeye goes out as Santa to a fox hole.
Local Celebrity Ryan Logan – The Christmas Classic, Bad Santa. The Christmas season just got much less joyous in this dark comedy, Billy Bob Thornton, Tony Cox, Bernie Mac.
“I consider Rise ofThe Guardians a Christmas movie but really it deals with all holidays. It centers around Jack Frost. The cast is star-studded. Chris Pine is Jack Frost, Hugh Jackman plays the Easter Bunny, and Alec Baldwin voices a tatted-up Russian Santa.
“Our favorite family Christmas movie is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. The movie is a timeless classic and has so many unforgettable moments.”
Ben Perez WCSX Regional Promotions ManagerPromotions – Favorite is, A Christmas Story. Be careful, Ben, you’ll shoot your eye out, kid.
Screamin’ Scott Randall – Here are some of my personal favorites. I won’t be surprised if some parts of the movie make your eyes water a bit. It must be the onion dip with the potato chips. I hope you get a chance to see some of my all-time favorite Christmas movies. Some great Christmas Holiday Movie Classics watching is in store for the next few weeks. And if you really want to know what I think. Yes, I think, Die Hard is a Christmas movie too.
The Night of the Meek - The Twilight Zone episode (season 2, episode 11)
This movie originally aired on December 23, 1960, on CBS. Years before Bad Santa, Art Carney starred as a drunk mall Santa with one wish to make someone’s Christmas wishes come true. There are a lot of Hollywood extras in this episode to make this a wonderful Christmas classic come to life. It’s my All-TIME favorite must-see episode.
The Ref - with Denis Leary , Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis
Denis Leary plays an unfortunate cat burglar trapped in a fate worse than jail when he takes a bickering couple played by Kevin Spacey, and Judy Davis, and their annoying relatives hostage. Before long, they’re driving him nuts, and the line between who is whose hostage begins to blur. His only hope is to act as their referee and resolve their differences.
Fred Clause - starring Vince Vaughn
Vince Vaughn had a smash hit with the movie, “Swingers,” in 1996. I was so impressed that I had to watch everything that he was in. Here is Vince in a Christmas movie, Fred Clause. Imagine if Santa had a brother.
Bill Murray in "SCROOGED"
This is a hilarious take-off of Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol.” Bill Murry and a cast of characters rip through the Christmas Tale with a lot of twists and turns. Even the ending seems like the movie company ran out of money for a script to finish. It does end on a happy note.
Three Stooges Christmas
What kind of Three Stooges fan are you? Do you like Shemp or Curly? This short film entitled “Malice in the Palace” features Shemp along with Moe and Larry as each don disguises as Santa Claus and rides in a horse-drawn sleigh across the sand.
Born in Mt Clemens, Screamin’ Scott has been a part of the Detroit airwaves for 30-plus years. With 40 years of experience in radio. When he’s not out on the streets for WCSX, you can find him devoting time to local charities with his, “Screamin Angels”; and for 16 years with Rock 4 Tots charity. And last 10 years with his local band, "Chit!." Screamin Scott likes to write about nostalgic Detroit area memories, classic rock, and local metro Detroit topics.
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