R-Rated Fortune Cookies Are Delivered To The Wrong Restaurant
R-Rated fortune cookies seemed like a fun idea. What could go wrong? A Vietnamese restaurant in Australia ordered some R-Rated fortune cookies for Valentine’s Day (the real crimes in all of this aren’t the messages, it’s the grammar offenses, but we’ll get to that). Unfortunately, their fortune cookies were delivered to a different restaurant and their diners were not amused. Some of the messages weren’t R-Rated, just rude, like this one:
Two-point foul for the improper grammar/spelling/autocorrect errors in the fortune. You’re not that great either… (comma) sorry!
Who Wrote the Fortunes?
The restaurant Lady Chu in Sydney wrote their own fortunes. The cookies were to be used for Valentine’s Day. Speaking with 9news.com, Lady Chu herself said, “I don’t see why this is my problem. My orders are private.” She continued, “If your factory gets it mixed up with other people’s orders, then this is your error, not mine.”
How Dirty Did The R-Rated Fortune Cookies Get?
This was definitely one of the worst: “The year of the Snake bears good fortune! Your DIVORCE is coming soon.” It wrapped up the fortune by saying that your spouse, “only married you for your money, you ugly ___.” See you next Tuesday… Moving along… Snake bears? Two animals or is it one snake-bear we’re dealing with? I feel the topic bares reflection.
The fortune cookie manufacture said they are no longer printing ANY profane cookies, just to be on the safe side, so Lady Chu will need to find a new printer or they will send her empty fortune cookies and Lady Chu can insert her own fortunes.

Buzzfeed has a hilarious but definitely NSFW list of spicy fortunes… was the wording intentional or is the spice in the eye of the beholder? Everybody has their own answer on that one.
R-Rated Fortune Cookies Are For Sale
If you want to buy your own R-Rated fortune cookies, they are for sale! Search “R-Rated fortune cookies” and you’ll see plenty of options. The one that caught my eye was the Miss Fortune brand. They bill their fortunes as being written by “professional comedy writers.” Sadly, they are out of the Dirty Dozen cookies, but they have several other themes to choose from.
Happy fortunes, friend!