10+ Hilarious Rock Pun Pet Names
I ran across a list of top cat and dog names from Rover.com. The list included a few popular Rock pun pet names. They weren’t all rock artists but the list was still fun to see. Ozzy Pawsbourne was one of my personal favorites. I also would like my next cat to be Cat Stevens.
I started a conversation on Facebook asking people to “Turn a classic rock band or name into a pet name.” We had some pretty great response for pet name suggestions. My neighbors have a dog named Journey. We also had a lot of people chime in that their pets are named after rockers!
One of our commenters, Linda wrote, “All of my pets are named after classic rock artists or a name from a classic rock song. Dylan (Boston terrier), The Mighty Quinn (fawn Pug), Gemma (black pug), Roxanne (Boston terrier), CC the tortoise (Creedence Clearwater ), Alice the Iguana, Brian the Bearded dragon, Stevie Nicks the bearded dragon, Roger (ball python), Jimi (ball python), Cyndi (corn snake), ELO (blue tongue skink), Jack and Diane (crocodile skinks), Aero (Ackie monitor), Joni (guinea pig), The Beatles (4 whites tree frogs).” Linda, you need one more animal and you’ve got a zoo. 🙂
Scroll down to check out our rock pun pet names for cats and dogs.

Rock Pun Pet Names
Here’s a list of what we came up with so far using our ideas and those given you us through Facebook:
Joe Cocker Spaniel – Bones
Muttly Crue – Deborah
Black Labbath – Thaddeus
Arf-E-O Speedwagon – Jeff
Alice Pooper – Josh
John Paul Bones- Doni
Dave Growl
Cat Stevens – Mackenzie Rose
Cat Benatar – Michelle
Ted NugCAT – Jim
Freddie Purrcury – Doni
Shawn CATsidy – Cathy
Cooper (Alice) – Debbie
Neil Purrrt (“Professor” was also suggested… which I love)
Conway Kitty! (not rock, but still hilarious!)
Poop Doggy-Dog (also not rock… also hilarious)
I checked out Reddit for cat names. Not a lot of rock pun pet names, but as far as regular (non-pun) names go, a lot of people have or have had pets named Iggy, Ziggy, Bonzo, Ozzy, and Lemmy. Reddit’s dog names included Ringo, Bono, Bowie, Zeppelin, Frank (Zappa), Slash, Jimmy, and Eddie (Van Halen).
Celebrity Pet Pun Names
Some of our favorites: Brad Pittbull, Bob Barker, Bark Ruffalo, Sarah Jessica Barker, Toby Meowguire, Catrick Meowhmes, Leonardo Dicapmeow, Bark Wahlberg, and Kitty Purry.
It’s always good to have some good pet names on stand-by. Sometimes we find pets, sometimes they claim us. I hope you enjoyed the rock pun pet names and got inspiration from one or more of these suggestions!