Crazy Babies Ozzy Rebourne The Ultimate Ozzy Tribute Band.”
Who Is Crazy Babies Ozzy Rebourne The Ultimate Ozzy Tribute Band?
Let me tell you about a local tribute band that is so amazing that I have to get the word out. Had the pleasure of playing on the same bill with my band Chit! many times and got to make friends with this amazing band called Crazy Babies Ozzy Rebourne.
When it comes to a tribute band there is one thing that people want. That the band sounds and looks as close to the actual artist. When I close my eyes there is no doubt that this is the closest to the real deal and you have my word on this. Friends of mine have pulled me aside and said,” OMG! This is incredible!” I submit to you Crazy Babies Ozzy ReBourne with the look and feel and most of all the rocking sound of a LIVE Ozzy concert experience. So close to the real thing you would think Sharron Ozbourne was side-stage looking on.

Boyd and screamin
So Who is the man behind Crazy Babies Ozzy Rebourne? It just happens to be my good friend Boyd Quinton hails from Detroit. Boyd has been in the spotlight most of his life…whether as a semi-pro quarterback or as the frontman for some of Detroit’s coolest rock bands! Also is a collector of metal model cars as well as baseball, football, and assorted trading cards. A fan also of the alcoholic beverage Fireball.
The Real Ozzy has the love of his life Sharon Ozbourne. So Who does Boyd Quinton have but his version of Sharron and her name is Amy Quinton. You couldn’t find a better love story than these two together.

Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Quintion
The Band is surrounded by nothing but talent from Guitar master Keith “ROCK” Holstein. Keith was born in Detroit Rock City and grew up in Dearborn Michigan. At a very young age, Keith was always banging on the guitar… but when he heard Black Sabbath for the first time, around the age of 13 or 14, he was captivated by Black Sabbath and the menacing sound of Tony Iommi’s electric guitar. Not much later did he hear Ozzy and Randy Rhoads and was blown away! Keith brings an electrifying and mesmerizing likeness of both his heroes to the Crazy Babies stage. I love his energy on stage as well as off. Perfect fit for the Ozzy Sound.

Keith “ROCK” Holstein
Blasto (Rob Johannis) Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals
Rob was introduced early on to the works of Bob Daisley and Geezer Butler and has always held them in high esteem. His solid, melodic style is a perfect fit for Crazy Babies. From the Flint, MI area, Rob is also an accomplished artist.

Blasto (Rob Johannis)
Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals
Christian “Skull” Minor
Christian Originally from Southgate, MI, began playing drums at 9 years old and was in his first band at 14. Fun to watch him through the Ozzy catalog driving the band from his drum seat.

Christian Minor
Check out for yourself how close to the real deal Crazy Babies Ozzy Rebourne is in concert. Filmed at a local venue in the motor city
Catch the band who is currently on tour all around the U.S. by clicking here: