Could Michigan Central Station Become a Future Detroit Rail Transportation Hub?
Amtrak and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) have visited the revitalized Michigan Central Station and are exploring possibilities for making it a major rail transportation hub again.
According to MDOT, Canadian transportation authorities have also toured the Michigan Central facility to learn more about how a railway incorporating the station could be used.
“There’s a lot of people that really want to see a return of transportation services to Michigan Central,” MDOT spokesperson Michael Frezell told WXYZ-TV in an interview. While Frezell noted that discussions are still preliminary at this point, the potential exists for creating service from Chicago to Detroit to Windsor, Ontario. Greyhound bus service could also involve Michigan Central Station in some way.
Frezell added that securing funding will be crucial to any future development plans. “Next step would be to work with the city and Michigan Central to secure funding if that comes to be, but we’d have to study this whole process,” he said.
According to their report, WXYZ-TV has contacted Amtrak for comment on the Michigan Central Station rail transportation concept and is waiting for a response.