Macomb County Scanner – Chaos and Crime
Sterling Heights: Doni and her pals Angie and Deb pose in front of the Golden Butthol.. I mean Halo
When I was a kid my mom had a police scanner – she’d go to the local Radio Shack and get some crystals for different police. I mention this because my Mom would’ve loved Macomb County Scanner on Facebook. They do a great job keeping track of everything going on (serious news as well…always appreciated) – and of course they capture some of the chaos.
Some of my recent favorites from Macomb County Scanner
Here we go:
- (16 and Mound area) Caller states that a 28 year old woman had a glass of wine and won’t stop yelling at her children. (we’ve got questions….what kind of wine, maybe the kids were whining…see what I did there?)
- Caller at Park Place Towers (North River Road) is reporting a female in the laundry unit in her full birthday suit. (what’s wrong with that – maybe she just wants to get ALL her laundry done? Or this is the premise for a movie on Showtime after 10pm)
- 911 caller states her daughter in law hacked into her smart thermostat and keeps changing the temperature. (didn’t Sheldon do that on Big Bang Theory? Can you really hack into one of those? What happened to the old days of manually adjusted the thermostat when you went to your friends house).
- 911 caller (Roseville) saw a woman giving her child a whooping in the parking lot before taking off possibly on Frazho. (maybe she didn’t have any wine….see above. Five bucks says the mom was spank-talking her kid: you (slap) know (smack) what (smack) you (slap) did (smack)

Bottom Line – Macomb County Scanner ROCKS
Thank you Macomb County Scanner for all the wonderful content – and keeping us in the loop on everything in Macomb County. When I drive by the Golden Butthole I salute you and the efforts of everyone there!
BTW – still love this exchange between Doni and her daughter about the “Golden Butthole”.

Donielle Flynn
Jim O'Brien is the Host of "Big Jim's House" Morning Show at 94.7 WCSX in Detroit. Jim spent eight years in the U.S. Naval Submarine Service, has appeared on Shark Tank (Man Medals Season 5 Ep. 2), raised over two million dollars for local charities and is responsible for Glenn Frey Drive and Bob Seger Blvd in the Motor City. Jim's relationship with Classic Rock includes considering Bob Seger, Phil Collen from Def Leppard, Wally Palmer of the Romantics and many others good friends. Jim writes about ‘80s movies, cars, weird food trends and “as seen on TikTok” content.